Annual Meeting
One of the many benefits of co-op membership is attending the Annual Meeting on the third Saturday of May and ensuring that your voice is heard.
To make your voice heard, attend our annual meeting this year. You’ll hear reports from co-op officials on how the business is doing. You’ll also help elect the co-op’s board of directors. Only members are eligible to hold seats on the board of directors, so local people—not faraway stockholders—are running things at your community’s electric cooperative.
The Annual Meeting is one of the many benefits of being a member of San Bernard Electric Cooperative. The meeting, held each year in May, offers members the opportunity to meet the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, and the cooperative staff. Members at a traditional Annual Meeting also receive a yearly report and financial standing of the cooperative, elect directors, and attend to any additional business that may come before the membership.
Three of the nine seats on San Bernard Electric’s Board of Directors are up for election every three years. This year, Districts 3, 5, and 7 are up for election in 2024.
During contested Board elections, co-op members can vote for directors in all districts. The districts in the co-op’s service area were drawn along SBEC’s service area boundary and county lines. The nine districts are represented by one director based on, among other things, the number of meters in each district.
Annual Report
Each year San Bernard Electric Cooperative makes available an annual report of our operations to all the cooperative members. You can view the pdf of the reports below. All video reports from 2016 can be found on Vimeo.
Click the links below to view prior years' annual reports.
All video reports from 2016 can be found on Vimeo. There are no videos from 2020 because the meeting was cancelled due to Covid-19 and in 2021 because we hosted a Drive-Thru Annual Meeting, and no formal video was produced.