For members with Distributed Generation/Solar, any generation (kWh's) returned to the SBEC distribution system will be credited at SEBC's avoided wholesale power cost and listed on their monthly bill as a Distributed Generation Credit (DG Credit). They will see the avoided wholesale power cost calculated on their bills as a Distributed Generation Credit and the rate per kWh for that month will appear to the side. The avoided wholesale power cost is the cost San Bernard EC would have incurred had we been required to purchase the energy from our wholesale power supplier, South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC).

The avoided wholesale power cost is calculated by excluding our transmission costs from the monthly G&T Charge. 


2025 Avoided Wholesale Power Cost
  Under 50 kw per kWh
January  $                                                                                    0.05600
February  $                                                                                               -  
March  $                                                                                               -  
April  $                                                                                               -  
May  $                                                                                               -  
June  $                                                                                               -  
July  $                                                                                               -  
August  $                                                                                               -  
September  $                                                                                               -  
October  $                                                                                               -  
November  $                                                                                               -  
December  $                                                                                               -  


2024 Avoided Wholesale Power Cost
  Under 50 kw per kWh
January  $                                                                                    0.06350
February  $                                                                                    0.06315
March  $                                                                                    0.01000
April  $                                                                                    0.05850
May  $                                                                                    0.05850
June  $                                                                                    0.58500
July  $                                                                                    0.05850
August  $                                                                                    0.05850
September  $                                                                                    0.05850
October  $                                                                                    0.05600
November  $                                                                                    0.05600
December  $                                                                                    0.05100