SBEC is working to keep our members informed on power restoration during Beryl. Please visit our outage map to find the most recent outages in the area.
Important Information for our membership:
- SBEC meters do report your outage. If you don't see your outage on our outage map or feel better contacted us about your outage, please feel free to call us at 1-800-364-3171 or visit our Reporting Your Outage page for additional information.
- Find storm safety resources on our Storm Safety page.
- Have questions on power restoration, please visit our Power Restoration page.
- Without power and using a generator? Check out these generator safety tips on our Generator Safety page.
6PM - SBEC is down to only around 26 meters this evening and most of them are members waiting on an electrician to go and do some work so we can reset their meter. San Bernard Electric Employees and Board of Directors want to say "THANK YOU" to all our amazing members. You have brought our crews drinks and snacks, brought cookies to our office and have taken the time to just drop a note of thanks in all our posts. We are so blessed to be a part of so many communities that always take care of us during the storm. YOU, our members, are what makes this job rewarding for our employees.
SBEC also wants to take the time to ask everyone to keep our neighboring cooperatives Wharton County Electric Cooperative, Jackson Electric Cooperative, Sam Houston Electric Cooperative and MidSouth Electric Co-op in your thoughts and prayers. The damage done by Hurricane Beryl to their service territory was much worse than what we have seen, and members are expected to be without power for several more days [if not longer]. This just reminds us that no matter how prepared we are for the storm, mother nature is always going to surprise us.Remember that we are still here if you need anything. Our 24-hour dispatch center is still open, and our crews are still on call. 1-800-364-3171.

9AM - Crews are down to outages of 10 meters or less in our service area with estimated 170 meters still without power. Crews will continue to work to restore power throughout the day. We still have contract crews with us through today helping restore power and remove debris from Hurricane Beryl. Thank you again for your patience. It is hard to predict the impact a storm has on our service territory, but our linemen, dispatch center, and employees have worked hard to serve their community. Our locations are all open or give us a call if you have any questions. 1-800-364-3171
- 9PM - Within 2 days, San Bernard Electric Cooperative has gone from over 16,000 meters without power to just 332 as of 9pm tonight. An estimated 50 of these meters are individual meters that had service damage to or around their meter loop and have called electricians in to fix it before we can restore power. Our SBEC linemen, along with our contract crews, are starting to come in for the night due to the OSHA 16-hour work rule but will report to their base office at 6:30am on Wednesday morning. Our 24-hour dispatch center will still be here for you and any emergencies you may have throughout the night. We cannot thank our members enough for their love and understanding after Hurricane Beryl. We truly understand what you are going through during these outages. Many of our men and women have homes and farms that were or are without power. Our SBEC employees are your friends and neighbors and what happens in our service territory is happening in our own backyards as well. #SBECStrong #WeAreYourCommunityToo #WorkingForOurNeighbors #SBEC #HurricaneBeryl #ThankALineman #WeveGotThis

- 4:30PM - There is extensive damage along Clark Rd North in Waller/Grimes County, and it is taking awhile to restore power to this area. We have serval crews working and SBEC plans to send additional crews as they become available.
- 3PM - There are an estimated 2100 meters without power as of 2:30pm on Tuesday, July 9th. We are down to the smaller and individual outages that were caused by Hurricane Beryl. Crews are being assigned to outages in a systemically and safe order as we work to restore power to our remaining members. Our crews are working to remove trees, fallen wire, and broken equipment. The damage from fallen trees can even result in our crews having to rebuild the service line and can slow down restoration time. Thank you again for your patience and understanding as our linemen and contractors work to restore power to all our members.
- 8AM - Crews came in early this morning for breakfast, safety briefing and assignments before preparing to head out for outage restoration. We currently 4,442 meters without power as of 8AM this morning. Majority of our crews will be in Waller, Grimes, & Montgomery Counties and the remainder of our crews will be working on smaller outages in Austin and Colorado Counties. Our linemen and dispatch team are working together to try and restore as many meters as possible today.
- Thank you for all your support and wonderful comments over the past 24 hours. Linemen came in this morning rested and ready to work for you! Your support means a lot to them and keeps them going during storms such as Beryl.
- Meters Restored: 12,000 estimated
- Meters left to go: 4,442

- 10PM - SBEC experienced another large outage this year due to Hurricane Beryl. We had over 16,000 meters without power today and with hard work from our SBEC team, we have restored around 11,000 meters. The crews have come across downed trees, broken poles, wire down and some heavily saturated ground conditions. These conditions have not made it easy to access outages and linemen have made good use of their climbing hooks. With night upon us and many of our men working the OSHA rule of a 16-hour workday, SBEC crews will be cease restoration for the night and return to the offices around 6AM in the morning. We appreciate all your support today and promise we will come back refreshed and ready to continue power restoration throughout the entire SBEC service area on Tuesday morning.
- 8PM - SBEC has restored over 2,000 meters. An estimated 8,800
5PM - Crews are continuing to work on power restoration. SBEC has restored around 5,000 meters and have a little over 11,000 more to restore.
- 2PM - SBEC along with several contract crews are working throughout the entire SBEC service territory to access damages, clear lines, and restore power. We currently have contractors from D&J Power, LineTec, Over & Under, McCord, ABC Professional Tree Services, Arbor Resources, McCoy Tree Surgery and C.M. Joslin assisting in the restoration process. We are restoring power as safely and systematically as possible following Beryl. SBEC currently has 13,619 meters without power.
- 1PM - Crews have been released in Waller/Grimes Counties to begin restoration.
- 11AM - Crews have been released to begin restoration in Austin, Colorado, and Lavaca Counties. SBEC employees and McCord Engineering are now accessing damage in Waller County area. McCord Engineering is a contractor for SBEC and should have the SBEC Contractor Signs on their vehicles).
- 9:50AM - Crews will begin accessing damage and power restoration in Colorado County.
- 7:45AM - Restoration efforts have been ceased due to the wind speeds and safety for our linemen. We will resume restoring power once the wind speeds drop below 35mph. SBEC is monitoring wind speeds throughout the service territory and crews will be released to work as weather permits in each area.
Contractor Information:
Contract Crews assisting in power restoration will have SBEC Contractor Logo on vehicles along with their company logo. If you have any questions about contractors in your area, please feel free to call 1-800-364-3171. The contractor assisting in this outage are as follows: D&J Power, LineTec, Over & Under, McCord, ABC Professional Tree Services, Arbor Resources, McCoy Tree Surgery and C.M. Joslin.